Let's face it, dealing with problems may be a real pain. In both professional and personal scenarios, problem-solving is a must-have skill. With this course, you'll learn how to solve problems more effectively.
Solving the right problem starts with articulating problems and knowing which ones to solve from among many urgent problems. It is a multi-step process involving analysis and negotiation within a group. An analysis is central to advocacy planning from beginning to end. The poor choices that arise from the inadequate analysis can be costly and, in business, sometimes irrecoverable.
To leap right into the selection of problems to prioritise is one of the biggest pitfalls of problem-solving. An organisation must first differentiate and categorise its problems systematically before prioritising problems. Then, having categorised the problems, one must be aware of the considerations of each category before prioritising them using appropriate frameworks. Without that rigour, organisations miss opportunities, waste resources, and pursue innovation initiatives that aren't aligned with their strategies.
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